This is a super simple ferment that not only gives you a great tasting snack, but is good for your gut! The benefits of fermenting are well know. It helps improve your gut flora, which in turn helps with digestion and improves your overall health.
Once you have your pomegranates fermented you can add them to salads, smoothies, over your pancakes/waffles, yogurt and even over ice-cream too! Watch our video to learn how easy this pomegranate ferment is.
Once you have all your pomegranates seeds into a bowl, transfer to a clean hot-washed glass jar. Fill the jar to just under the rim.
Pour your honey over so that it provides a thick cover over the seeds.
Place the lid onto the jar and ensure it is on tight.
Shake to start the process of dispersing the honey.
Label so you know when you did the ferment and put an time of how long you want to ferment. Normally 3-4 days is enough.
Place it on the counter away from direct sunlight and shake each day.
Once you happy with the fermenting time place in the fridge to enjoy!
Once you have all your pomegranates seeds into a bowl, transfer to a clean hot-washed glass jar. Fill the jar to just under the rim.
Pour your honey over so that it provides a thick cover over the seeds.
Place the lid onto the jar and ensure it is on tight.
Shake to start the process of dispersing the honey.
Label so you know when you did the ferment and put an time of how long you want to ferment. Normally 3-4 days is enough.
Place it on the counter away from direct sunlight and shake each day.
Once you happy with the fermenting time place in the fridge to enjoy!

Hello, and welcome to my website! My name is Nicole Dooley and I am a yoga teacher, film producer, blogger, and devoted friend, wife, and mother who is passionate about healthy living and the wellness of our planet.
In fact, I believe that the word passionate falls short in describing my drive and desire in pursing a health conscious lifestyle for myself and the environment. I make an effort to continually research and investigate the latest health and environmental issues, and I stay at the forefront of this information to educate my family, friends, and the world around me.